

Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Lumbutts & Mankinholes~

27th February 2010

No, not a firm of solicitors, but two small Yorkshire hamlets on the hillside above Todmorden in West Yorkshire. My brother, Peter, and I had intended for a good high level walk between Todmorden and Hebden Bridge, but the weather played its part and we adjusted our plans as a result of low cloud and a chilly wind....

Stoodley Pike

Stoodley Pike

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk

Hebden Bridge Station

Hebden Bridge Station

A familiar plan for Peter and I to use public transport in one direction and today we would travel from HB to Todmorden and walk back. Here I am on the westbound platform as a Leeds-bound train awaits departutre on the other platform. Why are the platforms offset in this way? We went in search of the answer.

Hebden Brdige old photo

Old Photo

This old photo is part of an exhibition in the General Room on Platform 1. Where the car park now sits, there was once a large warehouse and behind it is a playing field, where today there is a park. Up on the hillside is a road which on to the moors and leads back to Lancashire way above the valley. The fields have been replaced by woods and the road would not be visible from here today.

Blackpool excursions


Could you make the same journey today? What do you make of the return time on Saturday 28th September?

Gusto Cafe Todmorden

Gusto Cafe

It's 11:05 when we arrive in Todmorden and we decide on a little fortification before setting off on the walk.

Todmorden Untitarian Church

Todmorden Unitarian Church

Todmorden walk

The Way Ahead

After our snack, we headed out of Todmorden and up the steep hill past the church and into the countryside.


Longfield Equestrian Centre

A large equestrian centre and our footpath went through the yards.

Lumbutts Water Tower

Lumbutts Water Tower

The tower dominates the view from far away. You can also see Stoodley Pike Monument and lots of cars. It turns out there was fell race in progress and these were the cars of participants, supporters and marshalls. Each unto their own.

Lumbutts Water Tower

Water Tower

Lumbutts Methodist Chapel

Lumbutts Methodist Chapel



We decided not to take the high route to the Stoodley Pike Monument due to the low cloud and chilly wind. Instead we plotted a route that would join the Rochdale Canal to take us back to Hebden Bridge.

Rochdale Canal

The Rochdale Canal

Our first view of the canal. The footpath has led down through woods to this point near Holmcoat Bridge. The OS map OL21 that I have, revised 2001 shows a pub in this vicinity, presulably on the main road. But there is no such thing and I don't think I can remember there having been one. GR 965 253 ish.

Lost Sheep

The Lost Sheep?

Rochdale Canal

The Rochdale Canal

This is the point where we joined the canal and this photo is looking back to the bridge.

Rochdale Canal

Hebden Bridge

We have arrived in Hebden Bridge and the skies remained grey throughout, we stayed dry. Not a great day for photographs, but we appreciated the flexibilty offered by the great choice of footpaths in the area around Mankinholes. The monument can be visited on a brighter day and it is true that both us have been up there at different times, many years ago.



Walkers: Peter Ratcliffe and Me

Time taken: 2hrs 45mins over a distance of approx. 7 miles.

Route: Todmorden, on the Calderdale Way, Lumbutts, Mankinholes, past Middle Stoodley Farm, Height Wood, Rochdale Canal, Hebden Bridge, the station.

Weather and conditions: Dull and grey.

Greetings Count: Moderate, plenty of walkers about.

Richard's Refreshment Review: Gusto Cafe , It ticks most of the boxes and bear in mind I review these places in the context of what they present themselves to be. Good choice, good food, prompt service all at a reasonable price.

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2010 © Leave a comment below if you like, it's quick, free and painless.

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....